the LOST ones


serenity's song

positive they said
do you wanna keep it
in my mind i had my worries
but as time went on
my heart grew strong
and i let you grow inside me

daddy held my hand
we smiled at your scan
we saw your body
we saw your little hands
we were excited
our lives were complete
till the day you fell alsleep

the doctor said sorry theres no heart beat
my whole body went numb
no words to say
no words to pray
my world fell to pieces

i went into labour the pain was so real
my tears they fell like a water fall
then you came out your body was so still
i kissed your lips my heart was filled

i picked your body no cry no breath
and this is what i said
you were so worth it
i would do it all again
my precious my baby

you dont need a heart beat for mummy to love you
daddy will never ever forget
your memory will live on in our hearts
rest in peace
rest in peace our tiniest angel


By awhina rogers

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