the LOST ones


I just wanted to say

I just wanted to say,
my heart broke with yours on that day,
your precious little girl just slipped away.

No on can imagine the pain you went through,
when all you wanted was to hold her close to you.
But she is still with you wherever you go,
because she knows how much Mummy and Daddy loved her so.

So as her star shines brightly in the night sky,
if she could I'm sure she would say,
Don't cry anymore, please don't be sad,
I know you would have been,
the best Mummy and Daddy I could have had.

I'll always be with you, in night and in day.
So please don't grieve anymore, cause I'm okay.
I know we'll all be together one day,
I can feel your love coming through,
and all my love, goes back to you.


By Sharron Cooper - Nana of Trinity

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